Now available through

Remote Monitoring & Alarming
for Rural Water Districts

Providing Modern SCADA to Water Operators for less than $5,000

Benefit from over 20 years of industry experience.

Helping water operators
run more efficiently.

View the Current Facility Status

Operators can easily view their current tank levels, pump statuses, line pressures, and generator run status. Any values that are in an alarm state will be displayed in red, quickly alerting the operator to any operational issues.

View the Current Facility Status

Operators can easily view their current tank levels, pump statuses, line pressures, and generator run status. Any values that are in an alarm state will be displayed in red, quickly alerting the operator to any operational issues.

Graph Tank Levels, Pressures & Equipment Status Together

To assist with troubleshooting, operators can view graphs of their tank levels, pressures, pump statuses and any other monitored equipment. During a recent ice storm, for example, operators were able to quickly see if their power fail alarm had tripped, and to see if their generator failed to come on as it should have.

Graph Tank Levels, Pressures & Equipment Status Together

To assist with troubleshooting, operators can view graphs of their tank levels, pressures, pump statuses and any other monitored equipment. During a recent ice storm, for example, operators were able to quickly see if their power fail alarm had tripped, and to see if their generator failed to come on as it should have.

Manage Multiple Facilities from a Central View

Water operators can view and control all data, from multiple facilities, in one centralized location using the visualization that best suits their needs. Any values that are in an alarm state are shown in red, quickly alerting to any operational issues. Operators have the choice to view their facilities in a traditional tabular view, or more graphically in a map or tank view.

Manage Multiple Facilities from a Central View

Water operators can view and control all data, from multiple facilities, in one centralized location using the visualization that best suits their needs. Any values that are in an alarm state are shown in red, quickly alerting to any operational issues. Operators have the choice to view their facilities in a traditional tabular view, or more graphically in a map or tank view.

Mobile Application

It is important to understand operations within a water facility at any given time and to have the ability to remedy problems quickly when they arise. Understanding operational failures in real-time helps operators fix issues quickly.

Mobile Application

It is important to understand operations within a water facility at any given time and to have the ability to remedy problems quickly when they arise. Understanding operational failures in real-time helps operators fix issues quickly.

Alarm Management

Users can receive alarm notifications via voice, text, or email, as well as setup escalations and schedules, so the right person gets notified at the right time. The Alarm Dashboard provides a bird's eye view of everything an manager needs to know about the alarms being triggered and sent to the team.

Alarm Management

Users can receive alarm notifications via voice, text, or email, as well as setup escalations and schedules, so the right person gets notified at the right time. The Alarm Dashboard provides a bird's eye view of everything an manager needs to know about the alarms being triggered and sent to the team.

Find out how eLynx provides SCADA for a fraction of the cost

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

Discovery Call & 
Site Visit

eLynx will quickly evaluate your existing system and identify the most cost effective way to get your facility data into the eLynx system. eLynx will provide you with a detailed proposal and project scope.

Schedule a Visit Now

Facility & Website Setup

Most facilities are able to be setup in a matter of days. Your dedicated eLynx Project Team will get your facility data integrated with the eLynx SCADA system and will verify that all data values are reading correctly and all necessary alarms and notifications are setup.


The eLynx Customer Success Team will provide an initial system training to you and your team, and will schedule optional weekly check-ins with you and your team to make sure that the system is working for you and answer any questions you may have.

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