DEQ and ORWA Introduce an All-New Grant Program for Rural Infrastructure

There is a new grant program available to rural water districts in Oklahoma. We spoke with the State Program Director, Brandon Bowman, to get the scoop on exactly what you need to be considered. 

The Oklahoma Rural Infrastructure Grant (RIG) program has a vision to award small water systems in Oklahoma with funds to improve infrastructure and sustainability. Brandon Bowman, the State Programs Director, says they would like to impact every county if they can.

The Oklahoma RIG program is fulfilling their promise to help rural and small municipal water and wastewater systems with the launch of this new grant program. 

Bowman stated that applications are already being received. Do not miss out on this opportunity to help your county’s water system and impact your community’s sustainability. 

How Much Funding?

The Oklahoma Rural Infrastructure Grant (RIG) program is providing $10 million in funding for rural water districts and wastewater management facilities. For the 2023 fiscal year, systems can take advantage of up to$100,000 in funding per project.

The RIG program will supply funding for 80 percent of the project cost. The remaining 20 percent of the project cost will be funded by the system.

What Are the Qualifications?

The grant program is only applicable to publicly owned systems that serve 3,300 people or less. 

Grants will be given to qualified water systems based on four factors: financial need, geographic diversity, sustainability impact, and merit.

The RIG program will be considering projects related to the following items: backup power generators, billing software and systems, engineering, financial audits, hydrants, lift stations, manhole projects, new and existing well upgrades, SCADA systems, smoke testing, tank rehab, and water meters.

eLynx Water Solutions Can Help

If you have been thinking about adding SCADA or water leak detection to your operations, now is the time. Our team has a vision to support small water districts with SCADA and continuous pressure monitoring technology. We can help guide you through the application process and provide you with supplemental documentation needed for approval.

Visit to apply. 

Meet the State Program Director at the Upcoming Rural Water Technology Workshop

October 20, 2022 in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Brandon Bowman will be a key speaker at the Rural Water Technology Workshop. Speak with Bowman directly and get answers to your questions about funding. It's a free event in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but space is limited. You will also hear from other rural water operators about their success with various technologies and learn how your system can benefit. You can earn five continuing education credits. Learn More →

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